Unitrade’s ABC Policy complements the Group’s Employee Code of Conduct (“COC”). The COC outlines our expectations regarding employees’ behaviour towards their colleagues, supervisors and overall organisation. The COC applies to all our employees regardless of employment agreement or rank.

Therefore, while the Group does promote freedom of expression and open communication, it still expects all employees to follow our COC. We also expect them to foster a well-organised, respectful, nondisruptive and collaborative environment.

The COC addresses the following core topics that employees must adhere to, including:

  • Compliance with the law
  • Respect in the workplace
  • Protection of the Group’s properties
  • Professionalism

The Group may take disciplinary action against employees who repeatedly or intentionally fail to follow the COC. Disciplinary actions will vary based on the violation. The Group periodically reviews the effectiveness of the COC when deemed necessary. Full details of our COC can be found in our official website at

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